Happy let’s-get-out-of-the-soggiest-April-in-memory —
We had fun visiting Riparian Provision Co. Wednesday the 26th for our downtown-adjacent jam. More room, closer parking, great turnout. We may be back at the end of the month, or we may investigate another spot (more on that to come).
Nell took pictures!

What’s next?
Thursday, May 4: Jam at the church, 7-9 p.m. You know the drill!
Thursday, May 18: Jam at the church, 7-9 p.m. Ditto.
Monday, May 22: Playdate at Total Life Center Bond Park, Maury O’Dell Drive, Cary, 10:15-11:30 a.m. (We start at 10:30. Setlist to come. We hope to play under the portico!)
Wednesday, May 24 or Thursday, May 25 … ? Possible downtown jam date, location TBD.
In June …
The usual and customary jams at the church, 1st and 3rd Thursdays, PLUS an open mic on June 29th.
And … we’re playing at Make Music Day Raleigh, Wednesday, June 21, 7-9 p.m. It’s a playalong and singalong as part of the global Fete De La Musique celebration. We’ve done this before (last year, in fact), and it’s great fun. Outsiders are welcome to join. We’ll play a few songs from the beginner-level uke books provided by Alfred Music Co. (and the U.S. festival sponsors), along with some from our book. If you’d like, please bring a spare uke we could lend for the evening to any players who show up instrument-less. Location? For now, we’re booked at the City of Raleigh Museum, 220 Fayetteville Street, a few doors down from the old Briggs Kimbrell’s Hardware Store. I may be able to find an even roomier spot (with more parking, even though parking is free downtown after 6 …), but the museum will be great and easy for us and others to find. We should get plenty of onlookers and maybe a new uker or three!
Who are you?
A moment of personal privilege. I didn’t get to attend Merlefest this past weekend, largely because I’m heading to the Blue Ridge Ukulele Festival in Morganton Friday. I understand the weather was lousy Thursday and Friday and the mud remained Saturday. It’s a shame. Saturday was glorious, from second-hand account.
Also, The Waybacks and Friends performed their 15th Hillside Album Hour, a classic rock album played with mostly bluegrass instruments and fun arrangements. And, as usual, the album itself remained a mystery until they started actually playing the first song. With some teases, as you’ll see below. The friends included Sam Bush, Jens Kruger, and Della Mae’s Celia Woodsmith. Was it “Let It Be?” “Innervisions?” SKINN-ERD? Be patient. You’ll be rewarded.