Hi all,
Yes, Leap Day/Sadie Hawkins Day is February’s fifth Thursday, so we’re hosting an open mic at the church. Festivities start a 7 p.m. on the 29th. If you haven’t contacted me already and you want to perform, let me know as soon as you can. We’ll have time for everyone to do at least one song and probably a second. See you there!
A new Dropbox tradition
We don’t add songs to our playlist often, but it seems that when we do, they don’t wind up on your personal tablets. I mistakenly thought that when I sent a new Dropbox link, opening it would update everyone’s Dropbox files. I was wrong. Those songs just sit in that email until you do something with them.
So I began a new habit at the beginning of the month and I’ll continue it for awhile. On the Monday before the first jam of each month, I will email everyone a link to the current Dropbox folder. If you open that link in your Dropbox app, it should produced a current songbook folder. If you use other software (ForScore, OnSong, for example) to organize your music, you’ll need to update that software before the jam or your new songs won’t show.
I’ll also continue sending PDF versions of each new song we add in case you prefer printing copies for your own use. You may take these PDF files and manually add them to whatever file-organizing software you use.
This method may be a bit clumsy, but it’s faster, less expensive, and better for the planet than returning to paper. So please be sure to check your email before you come to the first jam each month and update your folder!
Also look for most future emails to be sent by MailChimp. Unlike generic gmail messages, MailChimp missives are pretty. Newsletters will continue in the format you’re reading now.
For fun, here’s a recent performance by Lil’ Rev and Bob Tigert, two of the teaching artists who’ll be at the Blue Ridge Ukulele Festival in Morganton, May 3-5. I’ll be there. It’s not sold out yet (as far as I know)!
Thanks, and see you on the 29th!
Ready for Spring Rick