If you're on the regular email list or a Facebook follower, you probably know that my wife and I are relocating at the end of the month to Pueblo, Colorado! We're really excited and a bit overwhelmed. I'll also miss everyone I've met through the Uke Jam immensely.
David and a committee he's put together (including Bonnie, Nell, Bob, and George) will bring bigger and better things to RUJ in 2025 and beyond. I'll be watching with interest (and a little regret) from afar.
Unfortunately, this newsletter will go into hibernation. The posts will be archived, and a link to the archive will be on the RUJ website. But it won't be updated, because this website is attached to my personal email and I'm not letting David have it. So there. ;)
For now: Please check the website (theraleighukejam.com) and Facebook for updates about the jam. David will launch new ways to communicate with you ... perhaps through a blog or a new Substack. He's figuring that out.
If you're not on RUJ's email mailing list, please contact raleighukejam@gmail.com to get on it. That's the main outlet for updates, especially if you aren't on Facebook.
Meanwhile, I will be at the January 16 jam. At the church, 7-9 p.m. I hope I can see you to catch up before we load the Conestoga, feed the horses, and head West.
The uke jam has been a major source of inspiration, friendship, and growth for more than a decade, and I'll not be able to replace it fully. Thanks for putting up with me, and if you're in our area, check in!
Hi RUJers!
If you're on the regular email list or a Facebook follower, you probably know that my wife and I are relocating at the end of the month to Pueblo, Colorado! We're really excited and a bit overwhelmed. I'll also miss everyone I've met through the Uke Jam immensely.
David and a committee he's put together (including Bonnie, Nell, Bob, and George) will bring bigger and better things to RUJ in 2025 and beyond. I'll be watching with interest (and a little regret) from afar.
Unfortunately, this newsletter will go into hibernation. The posts will be archived, and a link to the archive will be on the RUJ website. But it won't be updated, because this website is attached to my personal email and I'm not letting David have it. So there. ;)
For now: Please check the website (theraleighukejam.com) and Facebook for updates about the jam. David will launch new ways to communicate with you ... perhaps through a blog or a new Substack. He's figuring that out.
If you're not on RUJ's email mailing list, please contact raleighukejam@gmail.com to get on it. That's the main outlet for updates, especially if you aren't on Facebook.
Meanwhile, I will be at the January 16 jam. At the church, 7-9 p.m. I hope I can see you to catch up before we load the Conestoga, feed the horses, and head West.
The uke jam has been a major source of inspiration, friendship, and growth for more than a decade, and I'll not be able to replace it fully. Thanks for putting up with me, and if you're in our area, check in!
Your Humble Correspondent Rick